Monday, February 6, 2012


 There’s a guy with a head like a housecat, a delusional guy in a makeshift space suit, a used and abused lounge singer, and one poor sap who’s responsible for it all. Now you’re up to speed with the nuts n’ bolts of 2816 Monument, an allusion to the address of the modest complex that houses apartment 3, home to these social castaways and where one can mine webcomic gold, full of weird roomies, lotsa madcap goings-on, schizophrenia—come to think if it, that about sums up my 1990s.

Here, series creator Mark Luetke lets us into the life of career chump Paul Stearns, whose money troubles lead him into accepting roommates to help cover monthly expenses. Captain Kittenface—he’s the guy with the housecat head—is the first to respond, followed by the jazzy chain-smoker Calypso Cordelia and her paranoid space spaz Captain Remarkable who, unlike Kittenface, is in fact not an actual captain of any vessel.

Fellow Virginian Luetke updates the series with ridiculous regularity. Started in November of 2010, as of this writing he’s up to page 109 and when tasked with this here review—usually I just read the first dozen pages or so of longstanding comics to save time—I easily breezed through every single frickin’ page and enjoyed many a laugh out loud moment. Luetke’s Monument blends style elements from classic strips like Family Circus with witty dialogue and characterizations reminiscent of TV’s now defunct Arrested Development, all in a likeable, loveable and downright near perfect comic that deserves every bit of your attention.

Put it on your radar.

Want to check out Monument 2816? Click here to read. 

Brian Cee is a contributing writer at Champion City Comics

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for all the kind words, you guys are awesome! Love what you do here.



click image to enlarge Comic by Bob Toben Originally published April 30, 2013