Thursday, March 29, 2012


Comic by Bob Toben

Ramblings by TonyDoug Wright

This comic reminds me of my younger days when I felt disenfranchised. The reality was that I had a good childhood, but you lose your mind as a kid when you don't get your way. I'm older and have two kids, so I need to prepare myself for these moments like this when the kids threaten me with rebellion. The most important thing for me to do is to look back on some of my foolish moments as a kid and wait for the storm to pass. SERENITY NOW!

When I was ten or eleven I went on a hunger strike because my parents would not buy me a G.I. Joe action figure. The hunger strike lasted at most twenty minutes. There were times when I threatened to run away but it seemed to be too much work to get packed.

To all of the disenfranchised kids out there, I want to share with you some Johnny Cash.

TonyDoug Wright is the owner and editor of Champion City Comics. His webcomics include Dr Death vs The Zombie, The Red Devil , and Day 165.

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click image to enlarge Comic by Bob Toben Originally published April 30, 2013