Kav and Tony Break it Down is nothing more than two long-time
comic book readers making fun of the Golden and Silver Age Superman
comics. We understand that these books were written for a juvenile
audience but we could not resist reviewing these classics. Please note
that no comic books were hurt during the review.
Last week, we started our review of World's Finest Comics #146, which features the story 'Batman, Son of Krypton'. This comic was published in 1964 and the writer was Edmond Hamilton and the pencils were done by Curt Swan while the inks were done by Sheldon Moldoff. If you missed part one then go here to read.
KAV: These people are weird. Bruce and Dr Ellison speak like one sentence to each other then Dr Ellison invites Bruce to spend the night-then leaves! Some host. I hope Bruce was at least able to scrounge up some dinner. Then luckily for Bruce Dr Ellis is prone to expositional dialogue so he learns that this f**** destroyed Krypton!
TONY: Ellison is the classic old school comic book character that tries to be sneaky but gives away too many clues that he's hiding something very important. Ellison, you are not very sneaky about hiding Bruce's past with Krypton when you have a gigantic globe of Krypton in your study.
KAV: We see this dude-like everyone else-has a complete supply of Kryptonite in his home. I'm telling you this stuff is more common than sand.
TONY: I love how all of the pictures have something written on them like "Bruce -El flying". I bet Ellison has a wedding picture somewhere that has written on it, "My wedding day". What a dope.
KAV: Superman decides that Batman's memories of Krypton must have a sinister cause. Based on what I don't know-it seems pretty paranoid to me. But I guess if you were allergic to Kryptonite and everyone on Earth had a piece-sure, that would make you paranoid. Superman asks the phantom zone criminals if Batman came from Krypton and they cooperate with an answer. Why they are cooperative-another DC mystery. Then Batman begins to ponder how he's been disenfranchised out of super powers.
TONY: A great comic book makes you want to turn the page to see what happens next. This comic is painful to read and I read the next page to see how they bring this total b.s. story to an end.
KAV: Idiot Batman and Robin blurt out the staggering truth-that dude destroyed Krypton. Why they couldn't keep their big mouths shut when they know Superman has super hearing and is prone to prying is yet another DC mystery.
TONY: I'm sorry, I fell asleep. What happened?
Stay tuned, kids! Kav and Tony return next week to review this super boring story!
Last week, we started our review of World's Finest Comics #146, which features the story 'Batman, Son of Krypton'. This comic was published in 1964 and the writer was Edmond Hamilton and the pencils were done by Curt Swan while the inks were done by Sheldon Moldoff. If you missed part one then go here to read.
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TONY: Ellison is the classic old school comic book character that tries to be sneaky but gives away too many clues that he's hiding something very important. Ellison, you are not very sneaky about hiding Bruce's past with Krypton when you have a gigantic globe of Krypton in your study.
KAV: We see this dude-like everyone else-has a complete supply of Kryptonite in his home. I'm telling you this stuff is more common than sand.
TONY: I love how all of the pictures have something written on them like "Bruce -El flying". I bet Ellison has a wedding picture somewhere that has written on it, "My wedding day". What a dope.
KAV: Superman decides that Batman's memories of Krypton must have a sinister cause. Based on what I don't know-it seems pretty paranoid to me. But I guess if you were allergic to Kryptonite and everyone on Earth had a piece-sure, that would make you paranoid. Superman asks the phantom zone criminals if Batman came from Krypton and they cooperate with an answer. Why they are cooperative-another DC mystery. Then Batman begins to ponder how he's been disenfranchised out of super powers.
TONY: A great comic book makes you want to turn the page to see what happens next. This comic is painful to read and I read the next page to see how they bring this total b.s. story to an end.
KAV: Idiot Batman and Robin blurt out the staggering truth-that dude destroyed Krypton. Why they couldn't keep their big mouths shut when they know Superman has super hearing and is prone to prying is yet another DC mystery.
TONY: I'm sorry, I fell asleep. What happened?
Stay tuned, kids! Kav and Tony return next week to review this super boring story!
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