Monday, July 22, 2013


I recently read a post where a webcomic creator was debating answering a negative comment left by a reader. My personal opinion is to not answer negative comments from readers because they are baiting you to answer their posts. When that happens then you appear to be too sensitive for this business.

Comments sections are a necessary evil in the world of webcomics. I know creators dread the anonymous comments, but most feedback does help the creator improve their writing and/or artistic abilities. Also, I have been told by more than one expert in the webcomics community that people tend to read webcomics that allow comments.

A bad comment is hard to shrug off at times. I introduced Phoebe and Eddie, a webcomic, to a webcomics forum and it was pretty much ripped to shreds in the comments section. Like an idiot I went into the comments section swinging away and it only made me look foolish and too immature to survive this business. That was truly a learning experience.

I've learned to not comment when someone leaves a negative comment. I know this sounds like something you hear in a cheesy public service announcement, but you can learn from mistakes without attacking your readers. 

1 comment:

  1. I actually will post drawings on message boards were I know the feedback is going to be scathing. You have to have a thick skin and you can get a general gauge on your quality of output.



click image to enlarge Comic by Bob Toben Originally published April 30, 2013